Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Busy Bee

Ari's getting busy with chopsticks. He laboured quietly and undisturbed. He was determined to succeed in picking up the tangerines. I thought we wouldn't be able to eat all these fruits but I could see the the bottom of the box already. A Korean friend brought us this present a couple of days ago. Here in Korea, it's polite to give fruits as presents.

Home-Schooling is doing us a lot of good. I am able to guide Ari's early learning process and witness his remarkable improvements. It's amazing how much he is capable of doing things on his own. We are both enjoying it. Although I get frustrated at times when he doesn't pay attention, but I think I have learned to develop more patience. I'll just have to remind myself that he is only THREE. Here is the boat he made today. Of course I am very proud too. In fact I am his number one FAN!

Topic: Transportation

Materials: construction paper(triangle)
Any stick or a piece of card board.

How To:
Cut the Box. Paste the construction paper onto the stick. This is the sail. Paste the base of the stick to the side of the box.

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