can't seem to make up my mind
I dunno how many weblog sites I have registered to. Perhaps too many to count! I can't seem to be comfortable with any one of them. So what happened was I would post here and there. My blogs are scattered around the Internet world. I felt like a fly with a red wagging butt. ("murag langaw Pulag Lubot" as my dialect would put it!) And I am tired of being that. So now I am trying to do away with indecision and make myself stick with this one. (I hope so.)
I have quite a few reasons for "having been everywhere". Firstly, I was quite excited that my blogs would be read by my group of friends and at the same time anxious of their criticisms. Although some have claimed to have enjoyed reading my blogs, yet there are others who remain quite and that put me in the dark. Another reason is that I have always loved to write however I have got no basic knowledge about writing other than pouring the contents of my heart and mind. Finally, I am not an English Native Speaker, therefore my expressions may be affected culturally.
With this site I hope to achieve some sort of anonymity (though you may check my profile). I hope to be judged not according to grammatical errors or expressions but according to my thoughts and feelings.
1 comment:
I read through your posts so far, and I wish to encourage you in your blogging! Fear not the grammer, and go for the heart. I love your poetical sense. Good luck!
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