My son always tries to buy time as my husband and I tuck him to bed. He's just turned 3 years old. Even though we have not trained him at an early stage to sleep by himself, the change was not a major event in my family. It only took a whole day of talking about it and everything else followed smoothly. Now my husband and I can spend a longer quality time. There's a catch to this though! He'd get a star sticker that he'd put himself on a special page found on the refrigerator door. By the time this gets full he'd get something nice. It could be a toy or something from the arts and crafts section. You may call it bribery!
Tonight, as usual, he'd ask for more big hugs and big kisses before I left the room. But tonight was a little different. He clung to me tightly and said:
Ari :
"When I'm big like Daddy I am have a bake pizza and donut. Mama eat pizza and tomato and apple!"
"Can you share some of the donuts with Me?"
"NO! Ari eat donut."
I know he was just trying to make me stay longer thus the need to start a conversation. Nevertheless, he'd told me his dreams! He'd said of becoming a school bus driver, a fireman, a pilot, etc. Everytime my heart flutters a bit higher. At least I know he's got dream s. In fact, he's got plenty of them.